Raul C. Muresan - Home Page

  Raul C. Muresan

  dr. eng. Raul C. Muresan, PhD
  Director of the Experimental and Theoretical Neuroscience Lab at the Transylvanian Institute of Neuroscience, Cluj-Napoca (Romania).
  President of the board of directors at the Transylvanian Institute of Neuroscience Cluj-Napoca (Romania).
  Affiliated researcher at Max Planck Institute for Brain Research in Frankfurt (Germany)

Research areas

The Experimental and Theoretical Neuroscience Laboratory

Raul C. Muresan's Lab Click here to visit my lab at TINS.

Recent publications

Posters, abstracts and talks

  • Pupil dilation and visual object recognition, by I. Tincas I., V.V. Moca, R.C. Muresan, (ICON XI 2011) Palma de Mallorca, Spain: Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, doi:10.3389/conf.fnhum.2011.207.00473, 2011.
  • Emergence of beta/gamma oscillations: ING, PING, and what about RING?, by V.V. Moca, R.C. Muresan, (CNS Meeting 2011) Stockholm Sweden: BMC Neuroscience 12 (Suppl 1), p. 230, 2011.
  • Visual Exploration and Object Recognition with the "Dots" Stimuli, by R.C. Muresan, invited talk at Castle Ringberg retreat of the Max Planck Institute for Brain Research, Tegernsee, Germany, September 2011.
  • Quantifying the stimulus-specificity and time-locking of spatiotemporal spike patterns, by O.F. Jurjut, D. Nikolic, W. Singer, C. Weber, R.C. Muresan, 40th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, USA, November 13 -17, 2010.
  • Looking into the brain: where modeling, experiment and analysis meet, by Muresan R.C., invited talk at Diaspora in Cercetarea Stiintifica si Invatamantul Superior din Romania, Workshop Exploratoriu: "Noi perspective de investigare a creierului", Bucharest, Romania, September 2010.
  • Combined Approaches to Understanding the Brain, by Muresan R.C., invited talk at Seminari di Neuroscienze e Scienze Psichologiche e Psichiatriche, University of Verona, Verona, Italy, 2009.
  • Probing the visual system with visual hypotheses, by R.C. Muresan, I. Tincas, V.V. Moca, L. Melloni, (CNS Meeting 09) Berlin Germany: BMC Neuroscience 10 (Suppl 1), p. 356, 2009.
  • EEG processing with TESPAR for depth of anesthesia detection, by V.V. Moca, B. Scheller, R.C. Muresan, M. Daunderer, G. Pipa, (CNS Meeting 09) Berlin Germany: BMC Neuroscience 10 (Suppl 1), p. 68, 2009.
  • Vision by inference: visual recognition under uncertainty, by R.C. Muresan, I. Tincas, V.V. Moca, L. Melloni, ASSC XIII Berlin Germany, p. 195, 2009.
  • Importance of EEG frequency bands in the assessment of depth of anesthesia, by V.V. Moca, B. Scheller, R.C. Muresan, M. Daunderer, G. Pipa, ASSC XIII Berlin Germany, p. 187, 2009.
  • Dynamics of self-sustained microcircuits examined with regular-spiking readouts, by Muresan R.C., CNS Meeting 2008, Portland (Oregon), USA.
  • Multidimensional Patterns of Neuronal Activity: How do we see them?, by Jurjut O.F., Nikolic D., Singer W., Metzler D., Muresan R.C., CNS Meeting 2008, Portland (Oregon), USA.
  • Exploring Parallelly Recorded Spike Trains, by Jurjut O.F., Nikolic D., Singer W., Metzler D., Muresan R.C., Cosyne 2008, Salt Lake City, USA, I-33.
  • Vizualizing Multi-dimensional Neuronal Data, by Jurjut O.F., Nikolic D., Metzler D., Singer W., Muresan R.C., Coherent Behavior in Neuronal Networks(CoBeNN) Workshop, Mallorca, Spain, P16, 2007.
  • Do I integrate or do I resonate? That is the question! Coherent Behavior in Neuronal Networks (CoBeNN) Workshop, Mallorca, Spain, P23, 2007.
  • Neural Network Dynamics Under the Influence of Local Properties: Integration and Resonance. International Workshop on Complex Systems and Networks, Sovata, Romania, 2007.
  • From Computers to Brains And Back…, Hertie Foundation, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, April 3rd 2007.
  • "If you stretch the string too tightly, it will snap, if it is too slack it will not play", Max Planck Society, Ringberg retreat, Germany, 2007.
  • Resonance as an effective mechanism of dynamical stability in large microcircuits of spiking neurons. Computattional Neuroscience Meeting, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 2006.
  • Temporal Coding in The Visual Cortex: New Methods for Finding Patterns, Max Planck Society, Ringberg retreat, Germany, 2005.
  • System dynamics in biological neural networks. Modeling of neuronal systems. Interdisciplinary lecture at Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, Frankfurt, Germany, 2005.
  • Computers challenging the brains. A losing battle? Brain Day 2005, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 19th January 2005.

Books and papers in Romanian

  • Book: "Semaphorized intersections. Polution and optimization", by F. Dan and R.C. Muresan. Ed. Mediamira, 2006.

  • Algoritmul de optimizare R-D pentru intersectii, by D. Florian , R.C. Muresan, Conferinta nationala cu participare internationala "Autovehiculul, Mediul si Masina Agricola", U.T. Pres., Cluj-Napoca, (2002).

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  • Optimizarea unei intersectii cu algoritmul R-D, by D. Florian, N. Burnete, R.C. Muresan, Conferinta nationala cu participare internationala "Autovehiculul, Mediul si Masina Agricola", U.T. Pres., Cluj-Napoca, (2002).

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Other activities

  • Local organizer of the Transylvanian Experimental Neuroscience Summer School (TENSS).
  • Reviewer for Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience.
  • Reviewer for Neural Networks, Elsevier.
  • Reviewer for Neural Computation, MIT Press.
  • Reviewer for Computational Neuroscience Meeting: USA 2012, France 2013, Canada 2014.
  • Reviewer for the International Journal of Information Fusion, Elsevier.
  • Reviewer for the International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks: Poland 2005, Greece 2006, Portugal 2007, Prague 2008.
  • Member of the selection comitee for the "FIAS Summer School on Complex Systems and Theoretical Neuroscience 2007".
  • Project supervisor for the "FIAS Summer School on Complex Systems and Theoretical Neuroscience 2006".

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Some personal data

A brief biography

  • I was born on the 23rd of August 1978 in the city of Cluj-Napoca, in Romania.
  • In my teenage years I attended the Computer Science High School in Cluj-Napoca where I developed a high interest for computers and artificial intelligence. When I left the High School in 1997 I attended the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca. During 5 years of study at the University, I was involved in numerous projects, some with international extent. I also conducted a sustained activity of personal research in traffic optimization algorithms. At the same time, my interest for neural systems brought me to the field of neuroscience, which is today my main field of research.
  • I graduated the University in June 2002 with the degree of "Computer Diplomat Engineer". My diploma, called "The Modeling of the Human Visual Neocortex", had been backed up by 2 years of personal research in computational models for neural systems. In the same year, I joined Nivis SRL, a Romanian - American international company where I was the head of the research division in neural networks. I am still a consultant researcher for Nivis, at present.
  • In 2005 I received my Ph.D. degree from the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca. The title of my thesis has been "Advanced neural models for cortical processing: from humans to machines".
  • Between 2004 - 2007 I was a researcher at the Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (FIAS - http://www.fias.uni-frankfurt.de/) where I worked in theoretical and computational neuroscience. Since FIAS is trying to bridge the gap between experimental and theoretical neuroscience, I have been at the same time part of the Max Plack Institute for Brain Research in Frankfurt. Here, I worked in close connection with Danko Nikolic and I was part of to the experimental neuroscience group of Prof. Wolf Singer, one of the most eminent German neuroscientists of recent times. I was a Post-Doc in the group of Prof. Wolf Singer since the beginning of 2006, until end of 2007.
  • At present, I have my own lab at Coneural, Romanian Institute of Science and Technology in Romania (www.muresanlab.coneural.org). We are working here in three major directions. One is experimental neuroscience, with EEG experiments on human subjects. The second direction is represented by the analysis of neuronal data recorded directly from the brain (spikes, LFP, etc). Finally, we are also doing modeling of large-scale neuronal microcircuits, in the quest to understand the mechanisms uderlying brain dynamics from a complex systems' perspective.

See my Curriculum Vitae

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  • Understanding of brain processes in order to improve our knowledge in medicine and get insights into who we are as human beings
  • The development of artificial systems able to perform complex tasks in natural environments
  • Helping computer science go beyond its present frontiers by discovering new computational principles
  • Development of useful tools and algorithms to solve engineering tasks such as traffic optimization

Address and contact information

Office at TINS:

Muresan Raul Cristian  
Address: Transylvanian Institute of Neuroscience, Str. Ploiesti 33, 400157 Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
Phone: +40-364-730730
Fax: +40-364-730731

Office at Max Planck:

Muresan Raul Cristian  
Address: Max Planck Institute for Brain Research, Deutschordenstraße 46, D-60528 Frankfurt/Main, Germany.
Phone: +49(0)6996769-240
Fax: +49(0)6996769-327